Monday, July 11, 2011

LE1 Submission Checklist

LE1 Submission Packet Checklist

You are responsible for this information. Any lack on your part will lead to the loss of credit. You must have every component in your packet. You will turn all of these components into me in a 2-pocket paper folder, with nothing else in it. Make sure everything is typed, and that the title clearly indicates what each item is. Refer to handout about formatting. Also, make sure everything is in the order listed here. Any deviation from this will lead to the loss of credit.

o Your newly revised Long Essay typed and stapled. This will also include a works cited page (with the interview you did at least). This will be 3-4 full pages.

o The copy of your paper that was used for Reader Review, including your cover letter, and including any comments from your reviewer. If you missed Reader Review, you must make it up.

o Writing Exploration A with my comments

o Writing Exploration B with my comments

Remember, everything must be in your packet or else you will lose credit. If you did not get something in on time (such as a Writing Exploration) you must still complete it for your Long Essay Submission Packet. Otherwise, the submission packet is not complete and will be docked points.

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