Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Logical Fallacies

Determine which fallacy each of these claims is guilty of.

1. You have to support our Governor because the majority of people elected him.

2. If we don't fix health care right now, everyone will die.

3. Proactive must work because that delightful Katy Perry endorses it.

4. How can you talk about campaign finance reform when we're at war?!

5. Don't listen to Rush Limbaugh: he's a drug addict!

6. My uncle lost his job three months after Pat Quinn became Governor, so Quinn can't be doing a good job.

7. Our baseball team can't give up just because we're 10 games behind with 2 games to go: our Founding Fathers fought back and won the war against nearly impossible odds. We can still win this year!

8. Because that Senator died, we should pass the legislation he would have wanted.

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