Monday, July 18, 2011

LE2 Planning Questions

Fill out the following questions to guide you towards the LE2 draft.

Briefly introduce your community to a reader unfamiliar with your research (to go in introduction):

Introduce your topic to your reader and explain significance of topic to the community and society (if any):

Discuss any subjectivity or biases you had before this unit or have currently with this topic:

Write out your final research question for the essay (will go in introduction paragraph):

Come up with a good attention getter for your essay:

For first library source, list the specific pieces of evidence you will cite and explain in the essay (at least one):

For second library source, list the specific pieces of evidence you will cite and explain in the essay (at least one):

For first interview, list the specific pieces of evidence you will cite and explain in the essay (at least one):

For second interview, list the specific pieces of evidence you will cite and explain in the essay (at least one):

Finish the entries for your Works Cited page in correct MLA format (reference annotated bibliography):

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