Monday, July 4, 2011

Syllabus Treasure Hunt

Welcome to English 101.

This website will be where I post in class activities and important information. If you miss class, check here in addition to contacting me.

Syllabus Treasure Hunt

1. How much is an assignment worth if it is late?

2. What project carries the largest grade?

3-5. Name three things that will cause you to lose your participation points:

6. What textbooks do you need for this class?

7-8. What is the instructor’s name and email address?

9-12. What four units (each centered around a large assignment) is the class divided into?

13. What smaller writing assignment exists within an LE unit?

14. Define the following abbreviation:
LE: _____________________

15-16. Name two places outside of this classroom where you can get additional help for course material.

17. How will I grade your writing in this class prior to the Portfolio?

18. How many essays will you revise for the portfolio?

19. How is plagiarism dealt with in this class?

20. What homework is due next class?

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